As 2022 dawned, bringing with it an optimism for a gradual release from the restrictions of covid, alongside an awareness of the effect that the last two years have had on wellbeing, we welcomed Kathy to The Resilience Project team. With a passion for the holistic hauora of New Zealand children, it was Kathy's mission to spread the word about The Resilience Project's curriculum in schools. She loved sharing the message of how the programme supports tamariki toward mental health and happiness through short step by step lesson plans that make it easy for teachers to engage children at every Primary and Intermediate year level, with out increasing staff workload. As a result of Kathy's presentations up and down the country, we are excited to be welcoming twenty two new partner schools in 2023. From the most northern and southern borders of Auckland, to the Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, the Waikato and Christchurch, our new schools are ready to empower their children with strategies to face inevitable challenges, and to experience life satisfaction by practicing gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. We look forward to working with these schools to support their students, staff, and parents in 2023, and will strive to make a difference in even more New Zealand communities in the years to come.